AT&T Wireless - How to turn off automated outgoing message
Do you use AT&T for your cell service?
I do now since I got my iPhone, and I've been annoyed at that damned outgoing message yada yada that comes on after my own personal greeting. "If you'd like to page this person, press blah; if you'd like to send a fax, press blah, if you'd like to fry eggs on John Doe's washboard abs, press ... your mom."
I mean, it gets RIDICULOUS all the yada yada callers have to go through just to leave a message.
Anyway, I just figure out how:
- Press and hold 1
- Press 4 (personal options)
- Press 2 (administrative options)
- Press 6 (to "turn auto play on or off" -- auto play is apparently all of that yada yada)
Voila. Peace and swiftly left messages at last!