Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Big Boys, Old School, Always Behind

Would someone please tell me why Katie Couric's new gig as the talking head on the CBS Evening News is such a landmark?

Hasn't anyone watched cable news for the past decade or more? Female anchors have helmed their own shows for years now.

I don't think it so much demonstrates a victory for women, although I'm happy for Katie for whatever that's worth, so much as it demonstrates how BEHIND THE TIMES are the big corporate, male led network news organizations.

Big boys, old school ... always patting themselves on the back for doing something that has been done for years. But always big enough to get away with the stupidity. Heard of the emperor's new clothes much?

And let's not even talk about how many queens have run other countries -- and how many presidents of other countries have been women. The United States is well behind. And yet, when we vote in our first female president, it will be lauded like Katie Couric as groundbreaking and the "first ever" yada, yada.

We should have had a female president years ago. This backward, half-assed country we like to think of as a free, developed nation. Phbt....


At 1:04 PM, Blogger Little Light said...

Yeah, right?

At 10:49 AM, Blogger OperaBarbie said...

Couldn't agree more.


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