Monday, October 23, 2006

Day Four

Energy has continued. In fact I was up at 6:00 am today and at the gym soon after. Aside from that, stamina is there again. I no longer feel like I need to sit down all the time, take a break -- or a nap. I also still feel quicker, clearer-headed, and less irritable. But interestingly, I have less patience. No other noticeable signs yet.

In other news, Van's 33rd high school reunion on Saturday was enjoyable. It was a combined reunion for the h.s. classes of '71, '72, and '73. He looked flawless.

The reunion wasn't quite as Crypt Keeper-ish as I thought it would be. But the dancing 50, 51, and 52 year olds was really funny. Especially the Ph.D. in the ghastly short leather skirt, long straight 70's hair, and black clogs doing what would have been a pole dance, had she had a pole. In the words of Divine in the movie Polyester: "Please. Stop that hateful dancing."

Van's dear friend from high school Kristine
(whom I have met several times before with her husband) flew in from Vegas for the festivties. And Fran, the third in the wheel that was once the gnarly trio (they graduated in 1973!) was one of the organizers.


At 4:32 PM, Blogger Little Light said...

Van's that old??!! I had NO CLUE! He looks so young (of course, black don't crack, right? hehe).

At 4:47 PM, Blogger D.J. said...

Glad to hear you have more energy - you need it honey!

I'm sure Van looked flawless and was the youngest looking alumni there.


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