Monday, September 25, 2006

Jim McGreevey

Tonight I caught the Oprah encore airing of her interview with former New Jersey governor, Jim McGreevey, discussing his life after coming out of the closet and leaving office.

Aside from the fact that I will never be a governor, and I never married, and my parents are not supportive, I have to say that his story resonates more closely with me than any other coming out story I've heard to date.

His description of the torment -- knowing he was different and being called names by other children as early as six -- and then knowing for sure there was something very wrong when he hit 6th or 7th grade -- it could have been a carbon copy. His further struggle with lying, pretending, living an unauthentic life, hating himself while also taking an anti-gay position politically, of denying it to the point that he literally lived two lives inside his head -- it was all compelling and moving. Particularly when he ended the appearance by saying to America, "Please let gay kids be gay kids." I think that's the biggest wish I would have for children, but it's the hardest to do because nobody wants to think of kids being gay -- and usually kids growing up gay want to distance themselves as far away from it as they can.

I applaud Jim McGreevey for such an interesting, whole, and multi-dimensional outlook on what he says would never have happened if his hand hadn't been forced. Good for him. I'm ordering his book, The Confession.


At 8:36 AM, Blogger D.J. said...

I saw that interview too, and thought he was very honest and open about all of his feelings. I especially appreciated his answer to "If you knew you were gay, why did you get married?" I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was something about wanting to deny that part of him and having a genuine affection and love for his wife and feeling that marriage could change him and make him 'right'.


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