Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ten Things I Learned This Week

1. "Guilty by association" can apply to things as small as a groaning elliptical machine.

2. Too many clients on your side job is confusing and you don't meet all of your deadlines.

3. Getting wasted on a Friday night really ups the chances that you will barf on your Armani coat.

4. Having an Armani coat makes you slightly paranoid.

5. Incompetent nincompoops aren't able to recognize greatness. Why bother trying to please them in the first place.

6. Egg whites each contain 8 grams of protein and to build muscle you should every day eat one gram of protein for every pound of body weight.

7. Barfing up your alcohol calories really helps however, the refresher course isn't worth the hassle.

8. The excitement of winning an election leads after winning to actually having to do the job.

9. I miss my husband when he is away.

10. My life in San Francisco couldn't be duplicated in New York. I need to live in both cities, 60% SF, 40% NY.

Added one hour later.

11. Low-fat peanut butter really sucks.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger D.J. said...

I'm paranoid about nice things too, that's one reason why I don't own too many extra nice things. Although, I haven't had a drink in over 1 year.

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being slightly paranoid makes you buy an Armani coat, and, one never barfs on their own Armani...HELLO!!!


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