Saturday, December 09, 2006

Mexican Just Got Spicier

Around the corner from our apartment is San Francisco's answer to West 43rd and 8th Ave in New York: the "World Famous Nob Hill Theatre."

I walk by the place at least four times a week and can't help but take a gander at the photos of performers on the outside displays with towels, cartoon stars, and fig leaves strategically covering their bits.

I've never ventured in. In fact the whole thing makes me roll my eyes just a bit.

But tonight, while just around the corner at a nearby Mexican restaurant, I had the eavesdropping pleasure of hearing some porn star chatter.

It seems that everyone in every occupation must muse on his craft, because with the intensity and analysis these boys were sending into the world, you'd think they were preparing to perform the next nationwide tour of Macbeth.

The boys -- clearly porn stars what with their chiseled bods and square jaw lines -- discussed how their performance for the live audience could be enhanced if the stool could be just a few inches taller. And how their audience is such a diverse crowd -- given its mix of young and old, tourists and locals. Porn is apparently no discriminator of ethnicity or socio-economic status. The boys chattered a bit about the weather in San Francisco versus New York and Miami. And they compared horror stories about various toys, swings, devices, and apparatuses.

While thinking, "These boys bound for the Robin Byrd Show (NY), if they haven't already appeared there multiple times," my eavesdropping was interrupted when a hillbilly tourist to my left confessed to his table mate: "Since I was eight, I haven't hit a woman, if you can believe it."

Mexican food just got a whole lot spicier.


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