Monday, December 04, 2006

Great Hair

With me, good hair is like Bigfoot. A fleeting beast that only rears its hairy head every now and then.

Well, today was a hit. And so was yesterday. I've finally grown through the gnarly stage and after getting a haircut on Saturday that is too fab for words (cutting the back up again to match the front), I'm enjoying the fruits of my long-hair growing labor.

And this while I still have it. 'Cause heaven knows it's a-leavin' every day in the shower, despite my Propecia attempts to keep it there.

But today I basked for a moment. Great clothes (from a weekend shopping spree) and an even greater haircut. A woman ON THE BUS said, "I like your hair!"

It doesn't get any more real than that. Which makes me wonder: how many people were THINKING that? Ha ha ha! (I'll get a photo up soon, I hope.)


At 12:20 PM, Blogger Little Light said...

It's so long! West coast influence, eh?


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